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Reviews of Blur har samlet 38 ekspertanmeldelser af Blur og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 79%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Blur.
Pris: Recommended Maj 2010
Maj 2010
38 Tester
0 Tester
79 0 100 38



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  Udgivet: 2010-06-14, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  As a concept, Blur seemed like it was setting itself up to be one of the most unique racing games in a long time. Promising to bring realistic settings and licensed cars together with battle-style racing similar to that of Mario Kart and being develope...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-10, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  Blur, the new racing title developed by Bizarre Creations, could probably best be described as a Mario Kart clone with real cars. At least, that was my initial impression with it. The racing is ok, but it certainly gains some legs from the use of a pow...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-09, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  With Forza 3 taking 2009 as its own and Gran Turismo 5 looking to cap off 2010, developers looking to release anything in the racing genre were opposed by two hits that were sure to prove nearly impossible to compete directly with. Hoping to sneak in s...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-08, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  There are two basic ways a racing game can go – arcade or realistic. Activision's new Blur, from the moment you first pop it in to your console, is most definitely the former not the latter. Everything about the game says "arcade racing," and if you ...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-04, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  Visually, Blur is a nice-looking game. Car models are very solid and each car looks pretty much like its real life counterpart. You are able to easily distinguish the domestics from the imports and the tuners to the muscle cars. They move along at a s...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-01, anmeldelse af:

  • Blur isn't the addictive, competitive online game that people wanted it to be. Rather, Blur is a palate-cleansing game, the type of experience you pop in for a few minutes with your friends when you're looking for a break between sessions of a game you...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-01, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  It's easy to sum up Blur as Mario Kart with licensed cars. That's not to say it isn't different, however; in Blur, vehicles have health, power-ups can be modified, and you earn fans as you play. But what Bizarre Creations has done best to really set Bl...

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  Udgivet: 2010-06-01, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  As a kid, I slipped into the car and pretended to cruise the highways while activating imaginary weapons. Invisible missiles decimated opponents as I zipped past fiery wreckage. I activated my nitrous – cruise-control – and watched the competition fade...

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  Udgivet: 2010-05-28, anmeldelse af:

  • Blur is to racing games what Modern Warfare was to shooters. It easily combines the solid racing action we've come to expect from Bizarre Creations with power-ups that provide plenty of depth and options in the game. More significantly its the multitud...

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  Udgivet: 2010-05-25, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  Bizarre Creations knows how to make a killer racing game. With games like Metropolis Street Racer and Project Gotham Racing, this Liverpool-based game developer knows a thing or two about making a worthwhile racing game. After a three year break, Biz...

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