Abstrakt: Et af verdens bedste puzzle-spil har taget springet fra to til tre dimensioner. Er magien bevaret? Jon Cato har svaret.Picross er måske mit yndlingsspil til Nintendo DS. Blandingen af tal og matematik fra Sudoku med tegning og logik sad lige i skabet,...
Abstrakt: Pusselspel är ett sätt att koppla av, att koppla bort. När nu 3D dominerar biografer släpper Nintendo Picross 3D, ett perfekt pendlarspel med en schysst baneditor enligt Viktor. Varför spelar vi spel? Vissa spelar för att umgås med vänner, vissa för at...
Abstrakt: Picross er et perfekt spill for deg som ikke nødvendigvis spiller over lengre perioder, men er ute etter et spill du bare kan plukke opp en gang iblant for litt enkel moro. Dersom du har spilt Picross DS vet du antakelig allerede om du er interessert i...
Abstrakt: If you are a puzzle lover — particularly one of brain-teasing puzzles -- than Picross 3D is calling your name. As with the original Picross, the your job is to "chip" away at a number grid to figure out the picture hiding within. However, unlike the ...
What it lacks in presentation, Picross 3D makes up for in sheer fun, addictiveness, and replayability. The game fits the DS like a glove from top to bottom, making it almost a necessity for DS owners. If you’re in the market for a challenging puzzle ga...
Abstrakt: Summary: Picross 3D is Minesweeper for the 21st century. A 3D shape is hidden within a block of cubes. Some of those cubes have numbers on them telling you which blocks need to stay and which need to go. Using the available information you need to re...
Abstrakt: I've been excited to play Picross 3D ever since I heard the announcement last June that the game would come to U.S. shores. Little did I know I'd have to wait nearly a year for it to make the journey, but it's finally here and I've played enough to com...
Abstrakt: This extensive puzzle game series expands to more than 365 3-D solutions. This game has interesting elements similar to a combination of Sudoku, the Wii game Boom Blox, and the basic PC classic Minesweeper. Players must follow simple rules for each 3-D...