Testseek.dk har samlet 18 ekspertanmeldelser af Canon imageFormula P-150 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 81%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Canon imageFormula P-150.
18 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Automatic document feeder. Rated at 15 pages per minute for black-and-white and grayscale scans. Duplexes.
Relatively large and heavy for a portable scanner. Initial setup is a touch harder than it should be.
The Canon imageFormula P-150 Scan-tini more than justifies its large size with fast speed, an automatic document feeder, and the ability to scan both sides of a page. Buy it now...
Canon can be proud of what it’s achieved here. The Canon imageFORMULA P-150 is much lighter and better-looking than the competition. Only the ScanSnap S300 can get close on portability, but that scanner isn’t as powerful or as capable of as qu...
Abstrakt: For deskbound office users, the Imageformula P-150 is too expensive and its highest quality scan mode too slow to make it worth buying, even if you're desperate to save desk space. However, if your business relies on travelling representatives who need...
Abstrakt: Canon Imageformula P-150 Mobile Scanner - Photo: Mobile MagazineThe Canon Imageformula P-150 is the latest mobile scanner from Canon. It sells for under $300 online, and can scan at duplex up to 20 sheets per sitting. A perfect portable scanning comp...
Le Formula P-150 de Canon est tout comme son rival de Fujitsu, un vrai petit bijou. Il est à la fois compact, élégant, simple à utiliser et... doté d'une excellente mobilité. En clair, c'est un accessoire indispensabl...